Lets just state the facts. March is a wonderful time of year. Spring means putting up winter coats, cleaning up yards, popcorn starts a popping from the apricot trees, and people finally make their way out of hibernation. Yes for all these reasons I love March. But mostly my excitement and love for the month of March comes from two very important events. Both celebrations stir my soul to such excitement that I rarely can contain myself.
The first is March Madness. Oh how I love it. In college there was a very large white board that hung in our kitchen. Seriously it was as big as some of my friends. Each year we would spend hours drawing out the mega bracket so that we could all stay up to date on what is happening in the NCAA tournament world. Nothing else has the power to bond an apartment full of girls quite like some good basketball. As a missionary I have now down sized a little. There is a folded piece of paper covered in tournament updates on my nightstand by my scriptures. I am at the mercy of others for my tournament information. Yep I am still a junkie. A poorly informed one, but a junkie all the same. The good news is that I am in Kentucky now so I can more properly cheer for the Wildcats. Go UK!
All that excitement can not compare however to the refreshing peace and trills that come into my heart as I anticipate General Conference. Twice a year people all over the world can gather to hear the voice of God's prophet upon the earth today. Conference brings with it the same excitement as a holiday. It means family gathering together to be edified by the teachings of God. It means council applicable to our time. Conference means that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I know that our Heavenly Father loves us just as much as He did the people that lived at the time of Moses or Noah. He cares about our happiness and success. More than any other time in the history of the world we need Him. I am grateful that he loves me enough to call a prophet. A living voice to teach us all that the Father would have us do working under the direction of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. This weekend everyone can have the chance to participate in this amazing conference. Thanks to modern technology the words of God's servants on the earth are carried by radio, satellite, and Internet in ninty-two different languages. I can promise that great blessings will come into your life as you take the time to listen to this message of hope and direction.
I remember all too well coming home from school in my younger years (okay lets not lie it still happens sometimes) seeking refuge from the torments of my peers. Or leaving the gym frustrated because the taunts and screams from the opponent had gotten into my little head and taken a toll on my athletic performance. This world is not lacking for that constant opinion of what you are not, and what you should be. There will always be someone to tell you that you are not good enough, not skinny enough, not funny enough, or not smart enough. It seems that such people are always easier to find than those who will build and encourage you to meet your potential. When I came home with these feelings of discouragement I was often met with the same advice. "You know Mar, just don't listen to them. You know who you are and what you are about. Just drown them out."
Always the easier said then done right? I have however found it to be the most effective way of avoiding peer pressure/rejection. As a missionary I am far from the most popular person in town. Daily my deepest beliefs and passions mocked. I will admit that there are times when it really gets to me, because this is who I am and I know that what I have been called to represent is true. A scripture in the Book of Mormon has come to be especially meaningful to me on the matter. You might recognize it.."they did point the finger of scorn at me and those that were partaking of the fruit also; but we HEEDED THEM NOT" 1 Nephi 8:33. Here the people Lehi is referring to had made it to the Savior. They were feeling of His total goodness and love. They had endured struggle to feel the peace that comes from the gospel of Jesus Christ. Many however, were mocking them. Often times in the world in which we live doing what is right may not be the most popular decision. They will try to tell you that the cool kids drink. That love does not wait. That making religion a priority is nerdy. Yes undoubtedly there will be a never ending supply of beliefs that tell you that being part of the crowd is the answer. The important thing is that we remember who's vote really counts. The Lords. When all other opinions come in remember the counsel of the prophet of old HEED THEM NOT!
I am beginning to realize that I have a short attention span. Many are probably shocked that I am just now beginning to realize this. What can I say I am daily growing older and more aware. I have noticed that I occasionally have to take a break. Step back. Take a breathe. Do something spontaneous. Then my focus can return to the task at hand. Prior to my mission I had quite a few available outlets that I could count on to bring refreshment. I could sing Wicked at the top of my lungs as I danced around the table with my sisters to get a break from house work. I could escape to the gym with my friends for a few games of basketball to avoid a homework melt down. The phone was an available tool to call a friend for some encouragement in moments of trial. Yep I had the system pretty well figured out. Or so I thought. Then I came on a mission. I can honestly say I have never been happier. I find great fulfillment in being a missionary and love the people with whom I serve. I would be lying however to say the need for momentary vacation has all together ceased. Now my sisters are not around, my Nike's are in the safe, and the phone is for missionary purposes only. My typical outlets have dissolved. I have noticed new habits taking their place. Daily I reach for the treat bucket to pull out some chocolate. That satisfies for a time. Occasionally I find some time to run up and down the stairs out side of our apartment to get some endorphins pumping. That works for a good natural high. The most satisfying outlet however comes when I make it to my knees and turn to my Heavenly Father in prayer. The rest of the world around me seems to disappear and I find myself in a realm of peace and comfort. Prayer helps me align my will with God's. It brings direction. It helps me to feel the love of my Eternal Father. Prayer brings the refreshment necessary to face whatever life may bring. It is by far the greatest outlet we have been given.
Like it frequently is, life as a missionary has been a bit hectic lately. I wanted to get something up today so I looked up one of my favorite talks. Elder Neil Anderson, an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, teaches us about the importance of our existence. He gives wonderful guidance and direction for preparing for our spiritual destines. Here is a brief excerpt, check out the link to get the whole effect.
Journey through Mortality
Number 1: You are on a journey through mortality.
The passengers of Flight 1549 did not begin their existence as they entered the plane in New York. They were on a journey. Much had occurred in their lives prior to the flight, and much would occur following the flight. Likewise, this mortal life is not where we began nor is it where we will end. We are on a journey. This journey began a very long time ago in a premortal state where we received our “first lessons in the world of spirits and were prepared to come forth in the due time of the Lord” (Doctrine and Covenants 138:56). We are literally spirit sons and daughters of heavenly parents. The Lord has said, “I am God; I made the world, and men before they were in the flesh” (Moses 6:51), “for in heaven created I them” (Moses 3:5).
The poet William Wordsworth wrote these beautiful words:
Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting:
The Soul that rises with us, our life’s Star,
Hath had elsewhere its setting,
And cometh from afar:
Not in entire forgetfulness,
And not in utter nakedness,
But trailing clouds of glory do we come
From God, who is our home.1
Our premortal life was not a passive existence. We had choices to make there as we do here. We had progressed and were in need of a physical body and the experiences of mortality. We needed to prove our willingness to live by faith. Our Heavenly Father presented a plan to us. Central to that plan was the role of His Only Begotten Son to provide a way back for us. We accepted the Father’s plan and rejoiced in the chosen Savior. Our foreordained opportunities and responsibilities help shape what we are to do in mortality. In ways not fully understood, “our actions in the spirit world influence us in mortality.”2
We are now here—in our long-awaited mortality. Although we have no present memory of our premortal life, it rings true to us. Even in this life we don’t remember all the things that are important. For example, do you remember speaking your first words or taking your first steps? Do you remember thinking, “You know, my mother is not carrying me around as much as she used to. So, if I am going to move around like I want to, I better get up and walk”? It is not difficult for us to sense deep inside that who we are did not begin with our birth into mortality. We are sons and daughters of God. There is a passage in Alma that describes the role of the scriptures to “[enlarge] the memory of this people” (Alma 37:8). Our memories have been enlarged, and we know that we prepared for the life we are now living.
Just as our life began before our birth into mortality, our life does not end with the stopping of a heartbeat. We will continue on. Who you are—you, the distinct individual—you will always be you. Some may say, “I don’t like myself.” Sorry. You can shape who you become, you can be more than you are today, but you will always be you.
If it had not happened twice, on two very separate occasions, I would have scheduled an appointment to get my eyes checked. Things like this just do not happen every day. The other night we were just making our way on one of Cookevilles busier streets. We started approaching a truck that greatly resembles my Grandpa's old farm truck. As we got closer I realized it was overflowing with bread. Yep, bread. Loaves and loaves of it-close to 500. A few thoughts went through my head. Either this man loves his peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or he hijaked the Spring Street bakery. Needless to say I was left in awe. A week or so later, still baffled by our first encounter we saw another 'bread truck'. Apparently Cookeville has a real problem with bread crime.
Being a missionary this experience got me thinking gospel terms, go figure. I was reminded of Christ's declaration in John 6, "I am the bread of life he that cometh to me shall never hunger and he that believeth in me shall never thirst". The Savior gives the promise that those who seek for the "bread of life" shall have everlasting life. Now wonder the invitation of "Come unto me" is so frequently extended in the scriptures (Alma 5:34). It is the only way for us to "feast upon that which perisheth not, neither can be corrupted" (2 Nephi 9:51). The scriptures teach us how it is we are to lay hold upon this supply of everlasting bread. We are directed to repent, bring forth works of righteousness, be born of the water and the spirit, immerse ourselves in the scriptures, pray with faith, bring a broken heart and contrite spirit, and partake of the sacrament. If we intend to enjoy forever we must seek for that which will last forever. We must like the Cookeville bread bandit fill our truckbeds to capacity. We cannot afford to ignore the Savior's invitation.
Our message to the world is simple yet profound. God is our loving Heavenly Father. He cares greatly about our happiness and success in this life. From the beginning of time He has show that love and concern by reaching out to us His children by revealing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Essentially the guide by which we are to return to Gods presence. He proclaimed such knowledge through prophets such as Noah, Abraham, and Moses. The ultimate expression of His love came when God sent His Son, Jesus Christ. The Savior came and taught His gospel, established His church, and accomplished the Atonement. Like they had with so many of the prophets before, the people rejected Christ and His teachings. Whenever people disregard or distort true doctrines and ordinances, God withdraws His authority to administer the Church.
After centuries of being lost, original truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ have been restored by a loving God through a living prophet. The authority to adminster His church has been restored. This prophets name is Joseph Smith. He was in fact called of God to restore gospel truths, just as so many have before.
God is the same. His love for His children has not changed. He desires for all of us to know with complete assurance His plan. The evidence of this glorious truth is forund in the Book of Mormon. Our invitation is to add to the truths that you already treasure. To those who with sincerety seek to know truth, read, ponder, and pray about this message will by the power of the Holy Ghost come to know of its truthfulness.
I know that these things are true by no other fact than I went to my Heavenly Father and asked Him. By the power of the Holy Ghost I came to know truth for myself (Moroni 10:3-5). This knowledge has blessed my life in ways that I can not describe. I have a sure knowledge of who I am, where I am headed, and what I need to do to get there. It has strenghthened my testimony of Jesus Christ. His life, ministry, and atonement. It has blessed me with a peace that can come by no others means.
We have been experiencing some pretty intense weather over the past couple of days in Tennessee. I actually think it is the location of our apartment that makes it seem so fierce. Either way I was reminded of one of my favorite stories in the Book of Mormon and how it helps me in the daily storms of life...
The Book of Ether tells the story of the Jaredite people. Their journey begins at the tower of babel. The Lord commanded them to make their way to the promised land. Under the direction of God they construct barges that will carry them across the sea. As they set off to their destination the account states in Ether 6:5 "God caused that there should be a furious wind blow upon the face of the waters, TOWARDS the promised land". The record goes on to describe the mountainous waves, great and terrible tempest, and fierce wind. Verse 8 reads, "And it came to pass that the wind did never cease to blow TOWARDS the promised land while they were upon the waters; and thus they were driven forth before the wind." I would dare say that their journey was anything but ideal. Even though these people were chosen of God. Even though they had great faith. Even though they were striving to do what is right "the wind did never cease to blow". However they were continually, by the hand of God, moving towards their ultimate goal. There are many storms that rage in our lives today. Our struggles, our trials, our roadblocks are the winds that blow in our lives pushing us TOWARDS our eternal goal which ultimately is to return home to His presence. The Lord understands perfectly what storms we need experience in order to guide us to our personal promised lands. Our ability to bear the wind, and tempest comes from keeping our focus on the MOMENTUM OF THE STORM.